WELCOME to my curated list of publications related to Personal Learning Environments. Also check the curated Zotero list started by Mike Cosgrave.


  1. Drexler, Wendy (2010): The networked student: A design-based research case study of student constructed personal learning environment in a middle school science course. Dissertation of the University of Florida, USA.
  2. Leigh A. Lally (2014): A Formative Evaluation of Personal Learning Networks for Professional Development in the Architecture and Design Industry. Dissertation of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA.

Scientific Papers

  1. Adell, J. & Castañeda, L. (2010). Los Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje (PLEs): una nueva manera de entender el aprendizaje. En Roig Vila, R. & Fiorucci, M. (Eds.) Claves para la investigación en innovación y calidad educativas. La integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación y la Interculturalidad en las aulas. Alcoy: Marfil – Roma TRE Universita degli studi. URL:
  2. Adell, J. & Castañeda, L. (2011). El desarrollo  profesional de los docentes en entornos  personales  de aprendizaje (PLE). URL
  3. Aladjem, Ruthi; Nachmias, Rafi (2014): The Mobile as an ad hoc PLE: Learning Serendipitously in Urban Contexts. Journal of Literacy and Technology, Special Edition: Personal Learning Environments: Current Research and Emerging Practice Volume 15, Number 2: June 2014. URL:
  4. Arenas, E (2008). Personal Learning Environments: Implications and Challenges, in D Orr, PA Danaher, G Danaher and RE Harreveld (eds), Lifelong Learning: Reflecting on Successes and Framing Futures. Keynote and Refereed Papers from the 5th International Lifelong Learning Conference,  Central Queensland University Press, Rockhampton, QLD, pp. 54–59. Retrieved from
  5. Arina, T. (2007). Informal Learning and the Role of Emerging Social Technologies. Retrieved from
  6. Arrizabalaga, P.; Monguet, J. M. & Ferruzca, M. (2010). Supporting the Online Tutoring Process through a Personalized Learning Environments. The PLE Conference, Barcelona, July 8-9, 2010. Retrieved from
  7. Arquero, José L. ; Barrio-García, Salvador del; Romero-Frías, Esteban (2016). What Drives Students’ Loyalty-Formation in Social Media Learning Within a Personal Learning Environment Approach? The Moderating Role of Need for Cognition Journal of Educational Computing Research, Vol 55, Issue 4, pp. 495 – 525
  8. Attwell, G. (2007). Personal Learning Environments for creating, consuming, remixing and sharing. In: David Griffiths, Rob Koper, Oleg Liber (Eds.): Service Oriented Approaches and Lifelong Competence Development Infrastructures: Proceedings of the 2nd TENCompetence Open Workshop. Institute of Educational Cybernetics, Bolton. Retrieved from
  9. Attwell, Graham; Heinemann, Lars; Kamarainen, Pekka; Deitmer, Ludger (2013): Developing PLEs to support work practice based learning. eLearning Papers, 35, November 2013, ISSN: 1887-1542.
  10. Attwell, G. (2007). The Personal Learning Environments – the future of eLearning? In: eLearning Papers. Vol. 2, Nr. 1, 2007 Retrieved from
  11. Attwell, G. (2007). e-Portfolios – the DNA of the Personal Learning Environment? Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 3/2. Retrieved from
  12. Attwell, G.; Bimrose, J; Brown A. & Barnes, S.-A. (2008). Maturing learning: Mash up Personal Learning Environments. In: Fridolin Wild, Marco Kalz, Matthias Palmér (Eds.): Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Mashup Personal Learning Environments (MUPPLE08) Maastricht, The Netherlands, September 17, 2008. In conjunction with the 3rd European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL’08), Maastricht School of Management, September 18-19, 2008. Vol. 388, Retrieved from  
  13. Attwell, G. (2010). Supporting Personal Learning in the Workplace. Retrieved June 2, 2011 from:
  14. Baars, S.; Brok, Perry den; Krishnamurthy, S.; Joore, J. P.; Wesemael, P. J. V. van (2018). Constructing a framework for the exploration of the relationship between the psychosocial and the physical learning environment. In: Transitions Australasia: What is needed to help teachers better utilize space as one of their pedagogic tools, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 90 – 97, URL
  15. Barrett, H. C. & Garrett, N. (2009). Online personal learning environments: structuring electronic portfolios for lifelong and life-wide learning. On the Horizon, 17 (2), pp. 142 – 152
  16. Benhamdi, S., Babouri, A. & Chiky, R. Education and Information Technologies, 22(4), pp. 1455–1477.
  17. Blees, I. & Rittberger, M. (2009). Web 2.0 Learning Environment: Concept, Implementation, Evaluation. eLearning Papers (2009) 15 Retrieved from
  18. Bouchard, Paul (2014): The Problem of Learner Control in Networked Personal Learning Environments. Journal of Literacy and Technology, Special Edition: Personal Learning Environments: Current Research and Emerging Practice Volume 15, Number 2: June 2014. URL:
  19. Brown, S. C. (2010). From VLEs to learning webs: The implications of web 2.0 for learning and teaching. Interactive Learning Environments,18(1), 1-10. Taylor and Francis.
  20. Buchem Ilona; Tur, Gemmer, Hoelterhof, Tobias (2014): Learner Control in Personal Learning Environments: A Cross-Cultural Study. Journal of Literacy and Technology, Special Edition: Personal Learning Environments: Current Research and Emerging Practice Volume 15, Number 2: June 2014. URL:
  21. Buchem, Ilona; Pérez-Sanagustín, Mar (2013): Personal Learning Environments in Smart Cities: Current Approaches and Future Scenarios. eLearning Papers, 35, November 2013, ISSN: 1887-1542.
  22. Buchem, Ilona and Attwell, Graham and Torres, Ricardo (2011) Understanding Personal Learning Environments: Literature review and synthesis through the Activity Theory lens. pp. 1-33. In: Proceedings of the The PLE Conference 2011, 10th – 12th July 2011, Southampton, UK. URL:
  23. Buchem, Ilona (2012). Psychological Ownership and Personal Learning Environments. Do possession and control really matter? Proceedings of the PLE Conference 2012, PLE Conference Aveiro, Portugal.
  24. Castañeda, L. y Adell, J. (eds.). (2013). Entornos personales de Aprendizaje: claves para el ecosistema educativo en red. Alcoy: Marfil. 
  25. Castañeda, L. & Adell, J. (2011) El desarrollo profesional de los docentes en entornos personales de aprendizaje (PLE). En Roig, R. y Laneve, C. La práctica educativa en la sociedad de la información. Innovación a través de la investigación. La pratica educativa nella società dell’informazione. L’innovazione attraverso la ricerca. Alcoy (España)-Brescia (Italia): Editorial Marfil & La Scuola Editrice. URL
  26. Castañeda, L. & Soto, F.J. (2010) Building Personal Learning Environments by using and mixing ICT tools in a professional way. InDigital Educational Review N. 18.9-25.
  27. Castañeda, L. & Soto, J. (2010). Patchworking Web 2.0 for learning:  Introducing ICT as a professional tool building Personal learning Environments. The PLE Conference Barcelona 6-8 July 2010. Retrieved from
  28. Casquero, O. (2010). Towards an eLearning 2.0 provisioning strategy for universities. The PLE Conference, Barcelona, July 8-9, 2010. Retrieved from
  29. Chatti, M. A., Jarke, M., Wang, Z., & Specht, M. (2009). SMashup Personal Learning Environments. In F. Wild, M. Kalz, M. Palmér & D. Müller (Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd Workshop Mash-Up Personal Learning Environments (MUPPLE’09).
  30. Chatti, M. A. (2009). PLEF: A Conceptual Framework for Mashup Personal Learning Environments. Learning Technology Newsletter, 11 (3).
  31. Chen, W. P., Millard, D. and Wills, G. (2008). Mobile VLE vs. Mobile PLE: How Informal is Mobile Learning? In: mLearn 2008 Conference, Wed 8th to Fri 10th October , the University of Wolverhampton.
  32. Corlett, D.; Chan, T.; Ting, J. & Sharples, M. (2010). Interactive Logbook: a Mobile Portfolio and Personal Development Planning Tool. The PLE Conference, Barcelona, July 8-9, 2010. Retrieved from
  33. Costa, F. A.; Cruz, E. & Viana, J. (2010). Managing personal learning environments: the voice of the students. The PLE Conference, Barcelona, July 8-9, 2010. Retrieved from
  34. Couros, A. (2010). Developing Personal Learning Networks for Open & Social Learning. In Veletsianos, G. (Ed). Emerging Technologies in Distance Education. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press. Retrieved from
  35. Dabbagh, N. & Kitsantas, A. (2012). Personal Learning Environments, social media, and self-regulated learning: A natural formula for connecting formal and informal learning. Elsevier. The Internet and Higher Education. Volume 15, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 3–8. URL:
  36. Döbeli H., B. & Neff, C. (2010). Personal Smartphones in Primary School: Devices for a PLE? In: R. Torres et al. (Eds.) The PLE Conference, Barcelona, July 8-9, 2010. Retrieved from:
  37. Downes, S. (2005) E-learning 2.0. eLearn Magazine, Association for Computing Machinery. Retrieved from:
  38. Downes, S. (2006). Learning Networks and Connective Knowledge. Retrieved from
  39. Downes, S. (2007). Learning networks in practice’, Emerging Technologies for Learning 2 , 19–27. Retrieved from:
  40. Downes, S. (2010). New Technology Supporting Informal Learning. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, 2(1), 27-33.
  41. Drexler, W. (2010). The networked student model for construction of personal learning environments: Balancing teacher control and student autonomy. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 2010, 26(3), 369-385
  42. Ebner, Martin; Schön, Sandra; Taraghi, Behnam; Drachsler, Hendrik; Tsang, Philip (2011). First steps towards an integration of a personal learning environment at university level. In R. Kwan, C. McNaught, P. Tsang, F. L. Wang & K. C. Li (Eds.), Enhancing Learning Through Technology. Education Unplugged: Mobile Technologies and Web 2.0. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 22-36.
  43. Ebner, Martin; Taraghi, Behnam (2010). Personal learning environment for higher education – A first prorotype Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2010, 1158-1166. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
  44. Ellett, Chad D.; Loup, Karen S.; Culross, RIta R.; McMullen, Joanne H.; Rugutt, John K. (1997): Assessing Enhancement of Learning, Personal Learning Environment, and Student Efficacy: Alternatives to Traditional Faculty Evaluation in Higher Education. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, September 1997, Volume 11, Issue 2, pp 167-192
  45. Fiedler, Sebastian; Väljataga, Terje (2013): Personal Learning Environments: A conceptual landscape revisited. eLearning Papers, 35, November 2013, ISSN: 1887-1542.
  46. Fiedler, S., & Pata, K. (2009). Distributed learning environments and social software: In search for a a framework of design. In S. Hatzipanagos & S. Warburton (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Social Software and Developing Community Ontologies (pp. 145-158). Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
  47. Fiedler, S. (2010). Personal Learning Environments_ concept or technology? The PLE Conference Barcelona 6-8 July 2010. Retrieved from:
  48. Fournier, H. and Kop, R. (2010) Researching the design and development of a Personal Learning Environment, PLE Conference Barcelona 6-8 July 2010. Retrieved from:
  49. Fournier, H. and Kop, R. (2011) Factors affecting the design and development of a Personal Learning Environment: Research on super-users, International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments 2 (4), 12-22
  50. Futurelab. The Learner’s Charter for a personalised learning environment. Retrieved  from
  51. Gallego, M.J., Gamiz, V.M. (2015). Personal Learning Environments (PLE) in the academic achievement of university students. Australian Educational Computing 29 (2), URL
  52. Garcia-Penalvo, Francisco J.; Conde, Miguel A.; Alier, Marc; Casany, Maria J. (2011). Opening learning management systems to personal learning environments. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 17(9), 1222-1240
  53. George-Walker De, Linda; Tyler, Mark, A. (2014): Connected Older Adults: Conceptualising their Digital Participation. Journal of Literacy and Technology, Special Edition: Personal Learning Environments: Current Research and Emerging Practice Volume 15, Number 2: June 2014. URL:
  54. Godwin-Jones, Robert (2009). Emerging technologies: personal learning environments. Lanuage Learning and Technology, 13(2), 3-9. URL:
  55. Green, S., Pearson, E. & Stockton, C. (2006). Personal Learning Environments:  Accessibility and Adaptability in the Design of an Inclusive Learning Management System. In E. Pearson & P. Bohman (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2006, pp. 2934-2941
  56. Green, S.; Nacheva-Skopalik, L. and Pearson, E. (2008). An Adaptable Personal Learning Environment for e-Learning and e-Assessment, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies and Workshop for PhD Students in Computing – Gabrovo, Bulgaria, June 12-13, 2008
  57. Grosseck, G. & Holtescu, C. (2010). Anagramming PLE: Empowering Professional Learning through microblogging. The PLE Conference Barcelona 6-8 July 2010. Retrieved from:
  58. Harmelen, M. van. (2006). Personal Learning Environments. Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT06) (pp. 815-816). Retrieved from:
  59. Harmelen, M. V. (2008). Design trajectories: four experiments in PLE implementation. Interactive Learning Environments, 16 (1), 35-46. Routledge.
  60. Henri, F., Charlier, B., & Limpens, F. (2008). Understanding PLE as an essential components of the learning process. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008 (pp. 3766-3770). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
  61. Hoelterhof, Tobias; Heinen, Richard (2014): A Concept to Bridge Personal Learning Environments: Including a Generic Bookmarking Tool into a Social Learning Management Systems. Journal of Literacy and Technology, Special Edition: Personal Learning Environments: Current Research and Emerging Practice Volume 15, Number 2: June 2014. URL:
  62. Isaksson E., Naeve A., Lefrère P., Wild F. (2017) Towards a Reference Architecture for Smart and Personal Learning Environments. In: Popescu E. et al. (eds) Innovations in Smart Learning. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Springer, Singapore, URL:
  63. Ivanova, M. (2008). Multichannel Self-Organized Learning and Research in Web 2.0 Environment, TEN Competence Special Technology Track „Technology Support for Self-Organized Learners (TSSOL08), Salzburg.
  64. Ivanova, M. (2009). From personal learning environment building to professional learning network forming. Paper presented at the 5th International Scientific Conference E-learning and Software for Educatio. Retrieved from:
  65. Johnson, M. W (2007). Towards a Reference Model for the Personal Learning Environment. Ascilite Conference, Sydney, Australia 2007 Retrieved from:
  66. Johnson, M.; Liber, O.; Wilson, S.; Sharples, P.; Milligan, C. and Beauvoir, P. (2006). Mapping the Future: The personal learning environment reference model and emerging technology. In Whitelock, D. & Wheeler, S. (Eds). The next generation. Research Proceedings of the 13th Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C 2006). Held 5–7 September 2006, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland, UK.
  67. Johnson, M., & Liber, O. (2008). The Personal Learning Environment and the human condition: From theory to teaching practice. Interactive Learning Environments, 16 (1), 3-15.
  68. Jones, D. (2008). PLEs: Framing one future for lifelong learning, e-learning and universities. Proceedings of the 5th International Lifelong Learning Conference. Central Queensland University, Australia. Retrieved May 20, 2011 from
  69. Kangas, Marjaana; Siklander, Pirkko; Randolph, Justus; Ruokamo, Heli (2017). Teachers’ engagement and students’ satisfaction with a playful learning environment, Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol. 63, pp. 274-284, URL
  70. Kalz, Marco; Schön, Sandra; Lindner, Martin; Roth, Detlev & Baumgartner, Peter (2011). Systeme im Einsatz – Lernmanagement, Kompetenzmanagement und PLE. In: Martin Ebner & Sandra Schön (Hrsg.), Lehrbuch zum Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien. URL:
  71. Kerres, M. (2009). PLE09 der PH Goldau. Retrieved from:
  72. Kompen, Ricardo; Edirisingha, Palitha; Monguet, Josep (2009): Using Web 2.0 applications as supporting tools 
for personal learning environments. Best Practices for the Knowledge Society. Knowledge, Learning, Development and Technology for All, 33-40.
  73. Kop, R. (2010) The Design and Development of a Personal Learning Environment: Researching the Learning Experience, European Distance and E-learning Network annual Conference 2010, Media Inspirations for Learning: What makes the impact? June 2010, Valencia, Spain, Paper H4 32,
  74. Kop, Rita; Fournier, Hélène (2013): Developing a framework for research on Personal Learning Environments. eLearning Papers, 35, November 2013, ISSN: 1887-1542.
  75. Kop, R. (2010) Moving towards a Personal Learning Environment, Heritage Matters, inspiring tomorrow, Canadian Network for Innovation in Education Conference, May 2010, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada,
  76. Kravcik, M., & Klamma, R. (2012). Supporting self-regulation by personal learning environments. In I. Aedo, R.-M. Bottino, N.-S. Chen, C. Giovannella, D. G. Sampson & Kinshuk (Eds.), Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. Rome: IEEE Computer Society, 710-711.
  77. Kuhn, Caroline (2017). Are Students Ready to (re)-Design their Personal Learning Environment? The Case of the E-Dynamic.Space. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research. 6(1): 11-19, URI:
  78. Laakkonen, I., Taalas, P. (2015). Towards new cultures of learning: personal learning environments as a developmental perspective for improving higher education language courses. Lang. Learn. High. Educ. 5(1).
  79. Mazzoni, E., & Gaffuri, P. (2009). Personal learning environments for overcoming knowledge boundaries between activity systems in emerging adulthood. eLearningpapers (15).
  80. Mayrberger, K. (2010). Neues Lernen mit neuen Medien 2.0. Potentiale und Grenzen von Personal Learning Environments (PLE) für Schule und Hochschule. In P. Bauer, H. Hoffmann & K. Mayrberger (Eds.), Fokus Medienpädagogik – Aktuelle Forschungs- und Handlungsfelder (pp. 280-298). München: kopaed
  81. Martindale, T. & Dowdy, M. (2010). Personal Learning Environments. In: Veletsianos, G. (Eds.), Emerging Technologies in Distance Education. URL:
  82. McElvaney, J. & Berge, Z. (2009). Weaving a Personal Web: Using online technologies to create customized, connected, and dynamic learning environments. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 35 (2), 10.
  83. Mikroyannidis, Alexander (2011). Evolving e-learning ontologies for personal and cloud learning environments. In K. Yetongnon, R. Chbeir & A. Dipanda (Eds.), The Seventh International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems. Dijon: IEEE Computer Society, 32-37.
  84. Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Lefrere, Paul; Scott, Peter (2010). An architecture for layering and integration of learning ontologies, applied to personal learning environments and cloud learning environments. In M. Kemni, Kinshuk, D. Sampson & J. M. Spector (Eds.), 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 92-93.
  85. Millard, D. E., Davis, Hugh C., Howard, Y., McSweeney, P., Yorke, C., Solheim, H., et al. (2011). Towards an institutional PLE. PLE Conference 2011. URL:
  86. Milligan, C., Johnson, M., Sharples, P., Wilson, S., & Liber, O. (2006). Developing a reference model to describe the personal learning environment. In W. Nejdl & K. Tochtermann (Eds.), Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing – First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, ECTEL 2006 (pp. 506-511). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer
  87. Millgran, C. (2006). The Road to the Personal Learning Environment. Retrieved from
  88. Moccozet, L. (2012). Introducing learning performance in personal learning environment. In I. Aedo, R.-M. Bottino, N.-S. Chen, C. Giovannella, D. G. Sampson & Kinshuk (Eds.), Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. Rome: IEEE Computer Society.
  89. Moccozet, Laurent; Benkacem, Omar; Ndiaye, Bineta; Ahmeti, Vjollca; Roth, Patrick; Burgi, Pierre-Yves (2011). An exploratory study for the deployment of a techno-pedagogical staff learning environment. PLE Conference  2011. URL:
  90. Moccozet, Laurent; Benkacem, Omar; Platteaux, H.; Gillet, D. (2012). An institutional personal learning environment enabler. In I. Aedo, R.-M. Bottino, N.-S. Chen, C. Giovannella, D. G. Sampson & Kinshuk (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. Rome: IEEE Computer Society, 51-52. URL:
  91. Mödritscher, F. (2010). Towards a recommender strategy for personal learning environments. Elsevier, Procedia Computer Science. Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 2775–2782. URL:
  92. Mödritscher, F., Petrushyna, Z., & Law, E. L.-C. (2010). Utilising Pattern Repositories for Capturing and Sharing PLE Practices in Networked Communities. International Conference on Knowledge Management IKnow (pp. 150-161).
  93. Morschheuser, Benedikt; Rivera-Pelayo, Veronica; Mazarakis, Athanasios; Zacharias, Valentin (2014): Interaction and Reflection with Quantified Self and Gamification: an Experimental Study. Journal of Literacy and Technology, Special Edition: Personal Learning Environments: Current Research and Emerging Practice Volume 15, Number 2: June 2014. URL:
  94. Mota, J. (2009). Personal Learning Environments: Contributos para uma discussão do conceito. In Educação, Formação & Tecnologias; vol.2 (2); pp. 5-21, Novembro de 2009.
  95. Muldoon, N. (2008). Self-direction and lifelong learning in the information age: Can PLEs help? In D Orr, P Danaher, G Danaher & RE Harreveld (Eds), Proceedings of the 5th International Lifelong Learning Conference: Reflecting on successes and framing futures, Yeppoon, Qld, 16-19 Jun. Retrieved from:
  96. Munoz Organero, M., Delgado Kloos, C., & Munoz Merino, P. (2010). Personalized Service-Oriented E-Learning Environments. IEEE Internet Computing, 14 (2), 62-67.
  97. Nelkner, T.; Reinhardt, W. & Attwell, G. (2008). Concept of a Tool Wrapper Infrastructure for Supporting Services in a PLE. In: A. Schmidt, G. Attwell, S. Braun, S. Lindstaedt, R. Maier, E. Ras (Eds.): 1st International Workshop on Learning in Enterprise 2.0 and Beyond. Vol. 383, 2008. Retrieved June 22, 2011 from:
  98. Oliveira, Lino; Moreira, Fernando (2010). Personal learning environments: Integration of Web 2.0 applications and content management systems. In E. Tome (Ed.), Proceedings of 11th European Conference on Knowledge Management, 2, 1171-1177. URL:
  99. Olivier, B., & Liber, O. (2001). Lifelong Learning: The Need for Portable Personal Learning Environments and Supporting Interoperability Standards. Retrieved from
  100. Patterson,Christopher; Stephens, Moira; Chiang, Vico; Price,Ann M.; Work, Fiona; Snelgrove-Clarke, Erna (2017). The significance of personal learning environments (PLEs) in nursing education: Extending current conceptualizations, Nurse Education Today, Vol. 48, pp. 99-105,,
  101. Pearson, E., Green, S. & Gkatzidou, S. (2008). Enabling learning for all through adaptable personal learning environments, Proceedings ASCILITE Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, 2008, Melbourne, December 1 – 3. Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, pp.742-749. Retrieved from
  102. Pearson, E., Gkatzidou, V., & Green, S. (2009). A proposal for an adaptable personal learning environment to support learners needs and preferences. Learning, 749-757.
  103. Peña-López, I. (2009). The personal research portal: web 2.0 driven individual commitment with open access. In Hatzipanagos, S. & Warburton, S. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Social Software and Developing Community Ontologies, Chapter 26, 400-414. Hershey: IGI Global.
  104. Perera Muthupoltotage U., Gardner L. (2018) Analysing the Relationships Between Digital Literacy and Self-Regulated Learning of Undergraduates—A Preliminary Investigation. In: Paspallis N., Raspopoulos M., Barry C., Lang M., Linger H., Schneider C. (eds) Advances in Information Systems Development. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, vol 26. Springer, Cham. URL:
  105. Peter, Y., Leroy, S.; Lepretre, E. (2010). First steps in the integration of institutional and personal learning environments. Retrieved from
  106. Pettenati, M.C. (2010). Roadmap to PLE—a research route to empower the use of personal learning environments (PLEs). Interact. Des. Archit. 2010 (9–10), 11.
  107. Põldoja, H., Väljataga, T. (2010). Externalization of a PLE: Conceptual Design of LeContract. In: The PLE 2010 Conference Proceedings. Retrieved from
  108. Prendez, Pas; Castañeda, Linda (2014): Analysis of the Future Professionals’ PLEs as Lifelong Learning Basic Skill: Presenting the CAPPLE Project. Journal of Literacy and Technology, Special Edition: Personal Learning Environments: Current Research and Emerging Practice Volume 15, Number 2: June 2014. URL:
  109. Prendes, Paz; Castañeda, Linda; Gutiérrez, Isabel; Sánchez, M. Mar (2017). Personal Learning Environments in Future Professionals: Nor Natives or Residents, Just SurvivorsInternational Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 7, No. 3, URL:
  110. Rahimi, Ebrahim; van den Berg, Jan; Veen, Wim (2014): A Pedagogy-driven Framework for Integrating Web 2.0 tools into Educational Practices and Building Personal Learning Environments. Journal of Literacy and Technology, Special Edition: Personal Learning Environments: Current Research and Emerging Practice Volume 15, Number 2: June 2014. URL:
  111. Rahimi, Ebrahim; van den Berg, Jan; Veen, Wim (2013): Investigating teachers’ perception about the educational benefits of Web2.0 personal learning environments. eLearning Papers, 35, November 2013, ISSN: 1887-1542.
  112. Rahimi, Ebrahim, van den Berg, Jan and Veen, Wim (2014), A learning model for enhancing the student’s control in educational process using Web 2.0 personal learning environments. British Journal of Educational Technology. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12170
  113. Ratcliffe, Antony (2014): An Exploratory Study of the Personal Learning Environments of Security and Investigation Professionals. Journal of Literacy and Technology, Special Edition: Personal Learning Environments: Current Research and Emerging Practice Volume 15, Number 2: June 2014. URL:
  114. Ravensbourne. Listening to Learners on the PLE. Retrieved from
  115. Roder, J. & Brown, M. (2009). What leading educators say about Web 2.0, PLEs and e-portfolios in the future. In Same places, different spaces. Proceedings ascilite Auckland 2009.
  116. Salvador del Barrio-García, José L. Arquero, & Esteban Romero-Frías. (2015). Personal Learning Environments Acceptance Model: The Role of Need for Cognition, e-Learning Satisfaction and Students’ Perceptions. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 18(3), 129-141. Retrieved from
  117. Santos, Carlos; Pedro, Luis; Almeida, Sara; Aresta, Mónica (2013): Decentralized badges in educational contexts: the integration of Open Badges in SAPO Campus. eLearning Papers, 35, November 2013, ISSN: 1887-1542.
  118. Santos, Carlos; Pedro, Luís; Pais, Fátima (2014): Innovation, Knowledge and Sustainability with PLEs: an Empirical Analysis from SAPO Campus Schools Pilots. Journal of Literacy and Technology, Special Edition: Personal Learning Environments: Current Research and Emerging Practice Volume 15, Number 2: June 2014. URL:
  119. Schaffert, S. & Hilzensauer, W. (2008). On the way towards Personal Learning Environments: Seven crucial aspects. In: elearningpapers, 9, July 2008. Retrieved from
  120. Schaffert, S. & Kalz, M. (2010). Persönliche Lernumgebungen: Grundlagen, Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen eines neuen Konzepts. In: Grundlagen der Weiterbildung – Praxishilfen, Neuwied: Luchterhand, Ergänzungslieferung Mai 2010. Retrievedfrom
  121. Scheffel, Maren; Werkle, Michael; Wolpers, Martin (2013): Using PLEs in professional learning scenarios – The Festo case for ROLE. eLearning Papers, 35, November 2013, ISSN: 1887-1542.
  122. Schmal, S. (2009). E-Portfolios as an Element of PLE . Master Thesis. Retrieved from:
  123. Sclater, N. (2008). Web 2.0, Personal Learning Environments, and the Future of Learning Management Systems, ECAR, 2008 (13). Retrieved from
  124. Severance, C., Hardin, J., & Whyte, A. (2008). The coming functionality mash-up in Personal Learning Environments. Interactive Learning Environments, 16 (1), 47-62.
  125. Shaikh, Zaffar A.; Khoja, Shakeel A. (2012). Role of teacher in personal learning environments. Digital Education Review, 21, 23-32. URL:  file:///Users/ibuchem/Downloads/189-1004-1-PB.pdf
  126. Siemens, G. (2006). Learning or Management Systems? Proceedings of the International Conference October 14 2003 Tartu Estonia. University of Tartu. Retrieved from
  127. Simões, Jorge; Díaz Redondo, Rebeca; Aguiar, Ademar; Fernández Vilas, Ana (2013): A gamification framework to improve participation in social learning environments. eLearning Papers, 35, November 2013, ISSN: 1887-1542.
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Blog articles

  1. Anderson, T. (2006). PLEs versus LMS: Are PLEs ready for Prime time? Retrieved from
  2. Anderson, T. (2007). McLuhan’s Laws of Media and the PLE. Retrieved from
  3. Attwell, G. (2010). The affordances of Web 2.0 and PLEs. Retrieved from
  4. Baxi, V. (2010). PLEs are an Operating System for Learning. Retrieved from
  5. Briggs, D. (2010). The Rise of the Personal Learning Environment. Retrieved from:
  6. Casquero. O. (2009). Learn-Streaming support for Personal Learning Networks. Retrieved from:
  7. Cormier, D. (2010). 5 points about PLEs PLNs for PLENK10. Retrieved from
  8. Couros, A. (2008). What is a PLN? Or, PLE vs. PLN? Retrieved from:
  9. Gerth, M. (2010). Die Persönliche Lernumgebung (PLE) als neues Lernkonzept. Retrieved from:
  10. Haskins, T. (2007). If this is your first PLE. Retrieved from
  11. Karrer, T. (2007). Personal Learning Knowledge Work Environment: eLearning Technology. Retrieved from
  12. Karrer, T. (2007). Personal Work and Learning Environments – More Discussion: eLearning Technology. Retrieved from
  13. Karrer, T. (2007). More on Personal Learning Environments. Retrieved from:
  14. Kop, R. (2010). Modeling PLE based learning. Retrieved from
  15. Kop, R. (2010). PLE Components on the climbing frame of learning. Retrieved from
  16. Kop, R. (2010). The eXtended Web and the Personal Learning Environment. Retrieved from
  17. Krahl, C. (2010). Persönliche Lernumgebung vs. LMS. Retrieved from:
  18. Lubensky, R. (2006). The present and future of Personal Learning Environments (PLE). Retrieved from
  19. MacLeod, I. (2007). Facebook as PLE – I Have Seen The Future! Retrieved from
  20. Martin, M. (2007). The Psychology and Skills of PLEs Retrieved from
  21. Martin, M. (2007). My Personal Learning Environment. Retrieved from
  22. Martin, M. (2007). Seven Strategies for Supporting Personal Learning Environments at Work. Retrieved from
  23. O’Driscoll, T. (2007). Web 2.0 and Personal Learning Environments (PLEs).
  24. Parslow, P. (2009). Vygotsky, ZPD, Scaffolding, Connectivism and Personal Learning Networks. Retrieved from:
  25. Peña-López, I. (2010). Introducing the Hybrid Institutional-Personal Learning Environment (HIPLE). ICTlogy, (Vol. 81). Retrieved from
  26. Peña-López, I. (2010). Mapping the PLE-sphere. ICTlogy (Vol. 82). Retrieved from
  27. Stierli, T. (2009) Personal Learning Environments in der Schule (#PLE09). Retrieved from:
  28. Siemens, G. (2007). PLEs – I Acronym, Therefore I Exist. Retrieved from
  29. Weller, M. (2008). An audit on where stand with PLEs. Retrieved from
  30. Wenmoth, D. (2006). PLEs and MLEs. Retrieved from:
  31. Wheeler, S. (2010). Anatomy of a PLE. Retrieved July from
  32. Wilson, S. The personal learning environments blog. Retrieved from


    1. Buchem, I. (2010). Definitions of PLE:
    2. Kalz, M. (2010). Personal Learning Environments in Black and White:
    3. Kalz, M. (2011). Challenges for PLE research and development:
    4. Kalz, M. (2011). Structuration of Personal Learning Environments:
    5. Ivanova, M.; Chatti, M. A. (2011). Competences Mapping for PLEs:
    6. Mikroyannidis, A. (2011). ROLE – Responsive Open Learning Environments:
    7. Salvador del Barrio-García, José L. Arquero, & Esteban Romero-Frías. (2015). Personal Learning Environments Acceptance Model: The Role of Need for Cognition, e-Learning Satisfaction and Students’ Perceptions. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 18(3), 129-141. Retrieved from


  1. Shaikh, Z.A.; Koja, S.A. (2011). Role of Teacher in Personal Learning Environments:

Wiki pages

  1. PLE diagrams:

48 thoughts on “PLE

  1. Pingback: PLE references: Mediendidaktik 2.0 «
  2. Some more of my papers on PLEs:

    H Fournier, R Kop (2011) Factors affecting the design and development of a Personal Learning Environment: Research on super-users, International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments 2 (4), 12-22

    Kop, R. (2010) The Design and Development of a Personal Learning Environment: Researching the Learning Experience, European Distance and E-learning Network annual Conference 2010, Media Inspirations for Learning: What makes the impact? June 2010, Valencia, Spain, Paper H4 32,

    Kop, R. (2010) Moving towards a Personal Learning Environment, Heritage Matters, inspiring tomorrow, Canadian Network for Innovation in Education Conference, May 2010, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada,

  3. Pingback: PLE (list of publications related to Personal Learning Environments). | EDUCACIÓN 3.0 |
  4. Wow! Great resource. Thanks! A litle correction: 2 and 16 are the same publication.

    Right citation:

    16. Castañeda, L. & Adell, J. (2011) El desarrollo profesional de los docentes en entornos personales de aprendizaje (PLE). En Roig, R. y Laneve, C. La práctica educativa en la sociedad de la información. Innovación a través de la investigación. La pratica educativa nella società dell’informazione. L’innovazione attraverso la ricerca. Alcoy (España)-Brescia (Italia): Editorial Marfil & La Scuola Editrice. URL

  5. Pingback: PLE | PLE |
  6. Pingback: PLE | Prionomy |
  7. Pingback: PLE | Entornos Personales y Sociales de Aprendizaje |
  8. Pingback: PLE | The_PLE |
  9. Pingback: PLE | Aprendizaje en red. El cambio de paradigma. |
  10. Pingback: PLE via @pgsimoes | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) |
  11. Pingback: PLE | Educación y TIC |
  12. Pingback: PLE | TIC & Educación |
  13. Pingback: PLE | Educação, EaD e Games |
  14. Pingback: PLE resources | Innovations in e-Learning |
  15. Pingback: PLE | e-learning-ukr |
  16. Pingback: PLE resources | Wepyirang |
  17. Pingback: PLE | On education |
  18. Pingback: PLE | Educació inclusiva i Noves Tecnologies |
  19. Pingback: PLE via @pgsimoes | Education on the 21st century |
  20. Pingback: PLE | @ONE for Training |
  21. Pingback: PLE | Virtual Learning, Technology & Strenghts in Education |
  22. Pingback: PLE | Educational Leadership and Technology |
  23. Pingback: Bookmarks for January 10th through January 17th | Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development
  24. Pingback: PLE | Web 2.0 for juandoming |
  25. Pingback: PLE | UkrEL11 |
  26. Pingback: PLE | kgitch on learning and technology |
  27. Pingback: PLE | Personal Learning Environments in K-12 Curriculums |
  28. Pingback: PLE | TechTeacher |
  29. Pingback: PLE | PLE+ |
  30. Pingback: PLE | Learn to E-Learn #elearning #authoring #ple #sociallearning |
  31. Pingback: PLE | A New Society, a new education! |
  32. Pingback: PLE | Knowledge Networking |
  33. Pingback: PLE | Into the Driver's Seat |
  34. Pingback: PLE | tecnoeducación |
  35. It seems that you do not have this paper in your list:
    Rahimi, E., van den Berg, J. and Veen, W. (2014), A learning model for enhancing the student’s control in educational process using Web 2.0 personal learning environments. British Journal of Educational Technology. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12170

  36. Hi Ilona :),

    This is really useful, thank you.

    Since you are including items in languages other than English, please consider my paper on PLEs in Portuguese:

    Mota, J. (2009). Personal Learning Environments: Contributos para uma discussão do conceito. In Educação, Formação & Tecnologias; vol.2 (2); pp. 5-21, Novembro de 2009.



  37. Pingback: Personal Learning Environments (PLE) | teaching knowledge and creativity
  38. I’ve got 131 of these into Zotero, and created a public group for that resource – so anyone can join, use and edit the library.

    It is at

    Now, I haven’t got everything in yet; some articles are missing, the presentations and the additional materials in the comments all need to be added

    I haven’t had a chance to check the formatting yet; I need to print it out as an APA bibliography and read through it.

    Since it is a Public Zotero group, it doesn’t store files. To save copies of the files, we would need to close the group.

    I moved the references into Zotero by using Google Scholar, so some of the web links will go to a Scholar search.

    So, some more work to be done but this is a start.


  39. Pingback: Curated list of publications related to Personal Learning Environments. #PLE | Aprendizaje infinito
  40. Pingback: Proceedings of previous PLE Conference and Special Issues in journals | PLE Conference 2015

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